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Phew, it has been one busy week! It seems like we have been on the go nonstop all week long.
Monday morning we had a play date at our house with 2 friends. They had a great time but Avery wasn't too keen on sharing her toys all the time, but it's a great lesson to learn and one we have been working on for a while. After nap that day we went to the park to enjoy the beautiful 80 degree weather. I happened to find a great public park that had all toddler equipment. It was perfect!! And, Avery went down the slide by herself for the first time (she usually holds my hand but not that day)!
Tuesday we had MOPS in the morning. We have meetings twice a month and while I am in the meeting Avery goes to provided day care. It's a great time for her to get used to being in a preschool type setting (which she will start in the fall). That afternoon we headed to the grocery store.
On Wednesday morning we went to our annual Parents As Teachers screening. With the budget cuts to PAT we no longer get services but they provide a free screening for all kids under 5 once a year. Her screening went great and she is right on track, scoring 60 out of 60 on 4 of the areas and 55 out of 60 on the other- she wasn't able to use a spoon to get a block out from under a bookcase). Wednesday after nap we went to Toys R' Us to get a baby shower present and a birthday present for one of Avery's friends who is having her second birthday party coming up.
We went to the L and L Library with 2 friends on Thursday morning. She always has such a great time there and I was excited to return the toys we had gotten and pick out some new ones. Can't wait to show her what I got! That afternoon we had to pick my dad up from his work and take him to pick up his truck which was in the shop. Thursday evening I went over to a friends house for game night. We played Apples to Apples which I had never played before but loved it!!! What a great game! So much fun!
Today we had another play date with two friends at one of their houses. Once again, we had so much fun and it was so nice getting to talk to my friends, I hadn't seen them in awhile and it was great catching up. Then this afternoon we went grocery shopping (I usually go twice a week, once early on for the beginning of the week and once towards the end for the weekend).
So there you have it, one busy week! Needless to say, we did not get any tot school done and although we did a lot of playing, I was such a bad mom and did not get any pictures taken : ( However, tonight I am going to start planning for next week which will hopefully be better. We still have a couple things going on and my parents are on spring break so we will be spending some extra time with them, but I really want to be sure to get some tot school in! Hope you had a great week!
4 hours ago
I'm right there with you. This week has been crazy! I have so much to do to get ready for my parents coming next week!