
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tot School- 18.5 months

Avery is 18.5 months old
Tot School

Well, spring is finally here, rainy weather and all.  But I will take rain over snow any day (or at least right now, so done with snow and cold weather).  We had our fair share of sun and we got outside to enjoy it when we could.  

We started off the week with our new sensory tub, which is spring/Easter themed.  To learn more about it, check out this post.  Avery absolutely loves it, we have played with it numerous times this week.  

We used our dot markers again this week.  First we did our blue dot picture to go along with the pink one we did last week.  Two pages of our color book down, now I just have to start putting it together.  

When we were done with the blue picture, Avery did not want to stop so we decided to do a bubble gum machine picture.  As you can tell, we just used blue and pink since those are the two colors we have been working on.  When she wanted to switch colors I had her tell me what color she wanted.  She definitely has blue down but sometimes still struggles with pink.  If you are interested in Do-A-Dot activity sheets, I did this post where I share links to the ones that I have found online.  

Avery wanted to get in her Learning Tower so we did a little scooping work using rice.  It was nothing fancy and impromptu but she loved it.  She also practiced picking up the rice by pinching it and pouring it from one bowl to the other.  

I made a ramp out of old boxes, paper towel rolls, and toilet paper rolls and gave Avery a basket of balls, cars, and cylinders.  She had so much fun rolling things down the ramp and through the tubes.  This has hands down been her favorite activity of the week, the first day we got it out, she played with it for over 45 minutes straight.  We left it out in the living room and she is constantly playing with it!

We also played outside, it was a beautiful, sunny day.  She loves the slide and sandbox!

Our city's parks and rec puts on an event each year called Tons of Trucks.  They bring together every kind of truck imaginable and the kids get to go around and sit in them.  It's a huge event and lots of fun!  We didn't go last year but decided to give it a try this year.  Avery was so excited to see all the trucks.  She kept saying "tru" and "beep, beep" as we walked around.  She loved seeing them but she wasn't so sure about sitting in them.  She asked me "tru sit?" so I asked "you want to sit in the truck?" and she answered "please."  But this is what happened when I tried to put her in a truck.

Poor thing, she was not a fan of it!  We tried 2 different trucks but got the same reaction both times so we decided to move to the smaller trucks and she did a little better.  She was still slow to warm up to them and I had to be right there but at least she would sit in them.

She sat in a couple other small ones but I didn't manage to get any good pictures.  

We did a fine motor work this week using a plastic basket and small clothespins (the kind that don't open and close).  She really liked this work.  It was challenging and she had to concentrate really hard but was very proud of herself when she got them on.  

We checked out a fruit cutting toy from the L and L Library that Avery loved.  Once again, she wanted to stand in her Learning Tower at the kitchen island.  This kept her busy for quite a while.  Later in the evening when I was cooking dinner, she asked to "cu tow?" (cut in her tower), which was great because it kept her busy while I cooked.  Man I am loving this Learning Tower, we use is almost daily!

The local university's vet school had it's annual open house so we headed over there on Saturday.  We watched a Purina Dog Show where the dogs did amazing tricks.  Avery loves dog and kept saying "dog, woof, woof"  the whole time.  We also got to see and pet tons of animals; sheep, pigs, cows, goats, mules, horses, llamas, and more.  Avery tended to like the smaller animals better.

On Saturday afternoon we went with my mom group to take a tour of a fire house.  It was really fun and it was great that the dads got to go with us.  The kids were all a little scared when one of the firefighters got dressed in all his gear.  Avery's favorite part was checking out the hoses.  She thought they were pretty cool!

My Favorite Photo of the Week
This was right when Avery started playing with the new sensory tub.  She was a little excited and surprised!

Head over to 1+1+1=1 to see what everyone else did for tot school this week!

This week I'm also linking up to...


  1. Ooo, I love the ramp idea! I bet both my guys would have fun with that.

  2. I think I will buy my son a dot painter this week. Seeing all these Tot School kids using them makes me want to let him try.

  3. My son would LOVE that ramp!! Definitely something I will have to do- maybe when we do a "transport" theme!!!

    I have looked everywhere around here (in Japan) for wooden pegs and had no luck. Might have to get my mum to send some as I don`t really want him to play with plastic ones that have metal parts in them...He would like that kind of activity though (and if he still couldn`t do it then he would at least enjoy putting the pegs in and out of the basket)

  4. The ramp is awesome! I'm going to make one asap. Thanks for the great idea!

  5. Hi there! Just found your blog and now am a new follower! Wow you really do some cool stuff with your little one...definitely using your teacher skills :) I am a new SAHM with a 6 month old and look forward to stealing some of your ideas!

  6. What a fun week! We love Do A Dots too! {I'm stopping in from Homeschool Creations.}

    ~Catherine :)

  7. Looks like a fun filled week! :-) Great pictures.

  8. I am giving you the Versatile Blogger award!! Check out my post at to accept your award.


  9. I love all the activities you do! I have a 7 month old and was just wondering do I do enough. I don't know if she has sensory issues or if you being a teacher just allows you some ideas and knowledge. I am going to keep reading to figure it out. I am a new follower from the hop and am looking forward to catching up on posts. Hope you will check out my blog and follow.

  10. Hi! I'm a new follower from the blog hop!

    Your daughter is absolutely adorable. Seems to me she's going to be a crafty one. She really seems to be enjoying it!!

    I don't have any cute little babies on my blog, but I do hope you'll hop by and check out some deals!
    Have a great weekend!
