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So once again I have been MIA for a while, not as long as last time but still not good! Things have been busy here but going well. We have taken a break from Tot School for the time being but want to get back to it soon.
Last week we had beautiful wether so we spent a lot of time outside; going on walks, playing in the yard, and going to the park. Our favorite outdoor activities were blowing and popping bubbles, drawing with sidewalk chalk, and playing in the water table.
We also had a couple playdates and went to our monthly Gourmet Gals luncheon. This month's theme was "green" foods and could be either organic or locally grown products. I decided to make organic hummus. It's a really simple recipe but is always a big hit where ever I take it. I don't really have too many measurements for it but here is the recipe incase you are interested:
1 can chickpeas
Extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic
Put the can of chickpeas and garlic in a food processor with a bit of olive oil. Begin to mix it and continue to add olive oil until desired consistency (it always seems like a lot of olive oil). Add cumin, salt, and pepper to taste.
A lot of times I'll also add kalamata olives to it and that's really yummy, too.
Sunday we headed downtown to the Earth Day celebration but didn't stay too long. Our city's Earth Day has turned pretty commercial, which is so disappointing, and the kid's activities are a bit old for Avery. So instead we went to a park and played for a while.
This week has been even busier than last week. A good friend and neighbor went into labor on Tuesday morning, so another friend and I have been taking turns letting their dog out. Plus I made her a basket full of snacks and things to help out when they get home. Next week, once they are home and Easter is over, we are going to start making meals for them.
Then on Tuesday night I get a call from one of my friends in my mom group. She was suppose to host an Easter Egg decorating Party today but her son wasn't feeling well, so she asked me if I would be able to host it. It sounded like too much fun to cancel so I agreed. Which means I've spent the last day and a half cleaning, shopping, decorating, and getting organized for having 7 families over for a morning of chaos (so 7 moms and 10 kids- 2 of them too young to join in). It ended up being a lot of fun and I'm glad I did it but I'm glad it's over now.
We've also been spending our weekends getting ready for the new baby. Since we did Avery's room in a gender neutral theme (which doesn't really matter now since we are having another girl), the new baby will get Avery's nursery and Avery will get a new big girl room. However, in order to do that we have to move the office down to the basement. We have a storage area that is partially finished (walls are done but not the floor), so we are going to move the office down there. It's a huge area so half of it will stay storage and the other half will be office. We are dividing it in the middle with bookshelves on the office side and storage shelves on the storage side. But in order to do all of this we have had to get rid of a lot of stuff and do a major reorganizing. We are now at the point where we can start moving the office down and then we can start on Avery's new room, which I am so excited about!!! We are doing it in a fairy theme. The inspiration for the room comes from these two pieces.
My parents are getting her the height chart for Easter and we are getting her the picture. Now I just have to decide on the color of the walls. Not a big pink person so I'm leaning towards purple or green. But still haven't decided. The picture should get here tomorrow and maybe seeing it in person will help me decide.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
4 hours ago
Always love your posts. =) Glad you guys are doing well!