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What a crazy, long couple of weeks it has been! I have missed doing personal posts but just have not been able to find the time with all the craziness. It started when Avery got sick and it totally messed up her sleeping (which is when I do most of my blogging). She started taking very short naps because she would wake herself up coughing and sneezing. That lasted about a week and a half, a very long week and a half!
Right after she got better, we were off to my sister and brother-in-laws for our first of 2 Thanksgivings. We had a great time hanging out with my family and had an incredible meal. Each Thanksgiving we have have the exact same meal because no one wants to mess up perfection. : ) We have turkey, Grandma D's stuffing, Grandma P's Waldorf salad, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, and creamed corn. This year for dessert my mom made an incredible chocolate bread pudding. It was really easy and absolutely delicious!
When we got back things didn't slow down a bit. We had a couple playdates and my mom had to have oral surgery. Since my dad had to work, she came over to our house each day so I could take care of her. It was pretty rough at the beginning but she's doing much better now. Eric also had to have some dental work done, he chipped a tooth and ended up having to have a crown put on. Nothing to serious but still not fun.
In more exciting news, Avery is now officially a walker! Before this past Tuesday, she would take steps here and there but she would always fall down and then end up crawling the rest of the way. Her most up until that point was about 10 steps or so. However, Tuesday it just seemed to click and all of a sudden she walked from her bedroom, down the hall, through the living room, into the kitchen, and ended up in the dining room by the windows into the backyard, all without falling down. Since that point she has been a walking machine! She wants to walk everywhere! It is so fun and exciting to watch but has definitely made life more interesting. I am having to constantly chase her around the house, she doesn't want to sit still for long at all.
Thursday we went to my in-laws and celebrated Thanksgiving with them. It was a nice, relaxing time and I loved that I didn't have to do any of the cooking (except for the red velvet cake I made the day before for dessert, a special request from my sister-in-law for her birthday which was the 22nd). Avery had a great time running all around Grammy and Grandpa's house!
Luckily things have started to settle down but I'm sure it won't be for long with Christmas right around the corner and barely any of my shopping done. But I don't mind cause I love this time of year! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
3 hours ago