Summer "Bucket List"
Places to go...
- Nearby state park for a nature walk
- Zoo
- Botanical Gardens (St. Louis and one here in town)
- Grant's Farm
- Butterfly House
- Magic House
- On a picnic
- Swimming pool
- Splash pad
- Farmer's Market
- Out for ice cream
- Strawberry picking
- Library
- Horse Stables
- Tour candy shop (make and sell best candy in town)
- Play at the park (try to go to as many different ones as we can, as well as our favorites)
- Huge fish tank at Bass Pro Shop
Things to do...
- Play with sidewalk chalk
- Paint with water
- Play in the rain
- Plant seeds and watch them grow
- Play with shaving cream
- Fly a kite or balloon kite
- Play in the mud
- Play with an ice block
- Make and play with a toddler sprinkler
- Have a toddler car wash
- Play with water balloons
- "Swim" in kiddie pool in backyard
Food to make...
- Mini personal pizza
- Cookies
- Smoothies
- Ice Cream floats (root beer or cream soda)
Crafts to do...
- Finger paint
- Edible necklace
- Make and play with bathtub puffy paint
- Handprint/footprint craft (thinking garden stone)
- Decorate t-shirts (one for Avery and one for baby #2)
We have a good start on the list and have been having a great time doing them, it has definitely kept us busy. I love that it makes what we are doing more intentional and we don't have those "what in the world are we going to do today" moments, we simply look at the list and pick something that interests us! Anything in particular you have done or are planning on doing this summer with your toddler or preschooler? I'd love to hear your ideas!